Blue Marine Foundation
Our Campaigns
Many of us at Denbury Homes live near the sea. We’re passionate about marine conservation and preserving these finely-balanced ecosystems and coastal economies for future generations. We’re therefore extremely proud of our three-year partnership, and our commitment of £80,000 per year, with Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) to support the incredible work they do.
BLUE’s mission is to see at least 30% of the world’s ocean under effective protection by 2030 and the other 70% managed in a responsible way. They are dedicated to creating marine reserves, restoring vital habitats and establishing models of sustainable fishing. The cause to develop national marine parks and to prove that sustainable, low-impact fishing benefits marine life, local fishers and their communities is of vital importance to East Anglian coastal communities.
The North Sea off the coast of East Anglia is vulnerable to destructive bottom-trawling and dredging, which destroys corals and natural habitats essential to sustaining a bio-diverse and secure marine life for future generations. In January 2021 BLUE, supported by the Charitable Fund and other partners, was pivotal in securing the Government’s ban of these activities from 14,030 sq. kilometres of UK waters.
All photography courtesy of James Bowden for Blue Marine Foundation.

East Anglia has a stunning coastline with exceptional marine habitats. We hope that this partnership will have a significant impact on the health of the seas around our coast through the creation and maintenance of marine protected areas in the North Sea, which will benefit small-scale, sustainable fishing communities.